Saturday, May 15, 2010

the weekend brunch.

seriously, what is better than beautiful brunches on the weekend?
beth & i stopped by the filling station in orange, ca last weekend for an incredible brunch.
my denver omelet was stuffed with sauteed veggies and ham, and beth's cranberry-orange french toast was obviously incredible.

we could've gotten the meal for free, the way that the waiter was blushing and fumbling all over himself due to beth's beauty.
he literally dropped her credit card like four times while trying to chat it up with her.

moral of the story:
if you're ever in orange, check out the filling station... dress up super cute, and look for a dark haired, male waiter. chances are, you could get a spread like this for free!
mmm my mouth is watering just thinking about it...

thanks to margo and caitlyn for the awesome recommendation!

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