Monday, December 20, 2010

better late than never, right?

so now that i am all in the christmas spirit, i realized i never fully celebrated one of my other favorite holidays by posting some lovely memories!

so without further ado, thanksgiving at the gleave house.

though i spent a majority of the break working/studying (and thus didn't take many pictures), some of my dearest extended family came into town, and there really was no lack of celebration.

even sweet julia came allll the way from germany to celebrate with us!
(okay, maybe she's an exchange student, living with my aunt and uncle for the semester, but regardless... she loved her first american turkey day!)





good food.
good family.
good times.

what more could a girl ask for?

*i know, i'm missing photos of me and will from thanksgiving on here... but really, don't you see enough of us at BYU sporting events anyway?!

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