Tuesday, March 22, 2011

musings, or something of the like.

life can get pretty hectic.
and these past few weeks can certainly be classified as such.
but i've been pretty blessed with some good successes, so i can't complain too much.

i'm quite busy, but i want to share with you some things i'm loving right now:
-this hairstyle. if only i had long/thick enough hair for it...
-vegetables... and chicken. did i tell you i'm on my evil diet again?
-empowerment. and womanhood. empowering women. (thanks for sending this my way, mom!)
-being able to research franz liszt and the beatles for school. listen to this to have your mind blown.
-the little sparrows that were singing outside my apartment this morning. welcome, spring!
-the bridal shoot i shot this weekend. i can't show you until after the wedding on saturday, but really, get excited for the photos!
-modern family. i spent a hilarious saturday night/editing sesh with season one of this show. if you haven't seen it yet, watch it.
-my bed. speaking of which, it's time to sleep... goodnight, world!

how was your first day of spring?

post script: thanks so much for helping me with my bridal fair project... keep the votes coming!

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