Wednesday, October 12, 2011

i need your help!

to my wonderful readers,
   i've delved a bit into the realm of video and entered a contest... i know this is a little bit out of my comfort zone, but i am happy with the way it turned out. and so i need your help in making it to the second round! i need the most views and comments on my youtube video to make it through, so if you could do me a huuge favor and watch my video, share it with your friends, or leave a comment, i would be so, so grateful! i'm also loving all of the feedback!
 so, without further ado...

i love spain. 
now, do you understand why?


Shutterbug said...

Hi Anna! Thanks for dropping by my blog! You are so sweet and interesting and would love to get to l know you better!

Angela [Simply Simple Me] said...

Oh goodness! I was in Barcelona and I ADORED it <33 I understand why you love Spain so much!!

Megan said...

Loved hearing what you had to say about Spain!

kylee said...

that part where it goes from person to person real fast is my faaav. good work my dear!

Devaun said...


Nettie's Blog said...

OH no another place on my wish list...i am now into the they have travel agency there i wonder???? :) you,i felt the same as you about Merida Mexico and the Yucatan...mmmm might have to get my pics out and share ....